WiFi boosters can only deliver speeds as fast as your router provides. Why is speed second on our list of things to look for? Truth be told, it’s not quite as important as you might think. We don’t feature those on this particular list, but you can learn more about the technology from our dedicated guide. Unfortunately, they take up more space and typically cost a pretty penny. This makes them ideal for competitive gaming, and when reliability is a concern. Next you’ve got tabletop models, which are much larger, feature bigger antennas and longer range, and boast better overall specs. The downside? They’re not as fast, reliable, or far-reaching as tabletop models, and they lack ports.

These are minimally intrusive and simply require one open socket. First up, you’ve got the ones that plug directly into an outlet. WiFi boosters come in a few different flavors. Next, let’s jump into the list with an in-depth look at our favorite WiFi extender. Let’s start with a simple overview of the best WiFi signal boosters on the market, listed in price-ascending order. It’s time to level up your network and get back to gaming. Enough with the poor connectivity already. This article takes you through the five best WiFi boosters on the market. Simply plug into the wall next to your gaming rig, and watch as your signal strength gains several bars.

It’s called a WiFi booster (or extender, or repeater), and it ‘boosts’ the connection from your router. Sound familiar? Fear not, gaming compatriots, for there’s a simple and effective solution to your network issues. Let me tell you – it’s no fun when you’re cranking 90s in Fortnite, wiping the floor with your opponent… only to get hit by a lag spike and wiped off the map.

The only problem? The router is downstairs, on the other side of the house. That’s why my gaming room is upstairs, far away from all the ruckus.